Driving Directions
Check in:At the front desk in the Van Der Valk office-building. Key box for late arrivals is next of the office front door.
The address is:
1601 North Florida Avenue (Highway 41)
Hernando FL 34442
Tel: (+1)352-637-1140
These directions were chosen for ease of driving and are not necessarily the shortest distance.
We recommend using www.google.com/maps as source for driving directions.
From Orlando area, take Florida Turnpike North, exit to Inverness when Interstate 75 merges with Turnpike. Take highway 44 towards Inverness- Crystal River. In downtown Inverness take Highway 41 north towards Hernando - Ocala. You will travel for approx. 5 miles and pass Lakeside subdivision, intersection with traffic lights and Dollar General, our office on the right side.